What is Grounds?
With Grounds you can find run routes all across Seattle. Local coffee shops or breweries serve as trailheads. Go explore your community.
Pick a neighborhood, landmark or feature
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We use coffe shops or breweries as trailheads.
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You can find routes from 3 to 6 miles.
Browse by Neighborhood
Find the best running routes in popular Seattle neighborhoods.
North Seattle
Downtown Seattle
South Seattle
West Seattle
Browse by Landmark
Find the best running routes by popular Seattle landmarks.
Browse by Feature
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What do you run on? No, not the brand of your shoes. What grounds do you run on?
Most people stick to the same well-worn sidewalks day after day, following the routine. But you're not here to stick to the sidewalks. You? You're different.
That local trail? It's had its day. When the sign says "stay to the right," you're the one seeking every opportunity to go left. That pack of trees that might be a park? That winding road you never knew existed? Not exploring them goes against every fiber of your being.
You aren't looking to follow the well-worn path. You're looking to lead new routes. You're looking to run where others won't; discover what no one else has.
Your journey begins now. Explore. Trail-blaze. Break monotony. Feed your curiosity.
Run fresh grounds.